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Author: Gökay Çelik

Many planets have their own structure and story. Some planets have been conquered, while others are completely closed to the outside world. Located in many different coordinates of the universe, these planets have survived for thousands of years. They are destined to be caught between Chaos and Bright.

The planet Hetune was an excellent resource planet before it was discovered. It was a planet of natural colors, inhabited by flying creatures and many different types of deposits. A colony was established on this planet many years ago to develop our technology. The colony had its own ecosystem. There was both production

The last remaining bastion of humanity. All existing technology is centered on this mother ship. The Guardians are also manufactured here. Armed with superior technology, the mothership is our greatest power against the chaos race. Since we cannot settle on any planet, this is our homeland. Our mothership contains many features. We need to

Zendoria planet is an exotic and interesting world with unique features. The surface of the planet consists of vast and predatory plains. In addition to these plains, there are steep cliffs, huge mountains, and wide deserts. The fauna of the planet is also quite rich and diverse. Wild creatures, land and water creatures,

Welcome to Guardians, an extraordinary multiplayer / co-op rogue-lite survivor game that transports you to a captivating universe teeming with danger, discovery, and heroism. Immerse yourself in a sprawling, post-apocalyptic world where chaos-infected creatures roam, and the fate of civilization rests on your shoulders. As a guardian mecha droid, you embody the last line