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Worlds Need Protectors

Worlds Need Protectors

Many planets have their own structure and story. Some planets have been conquered, while others are completely closed to the outside world. Located in many different coordinates of the universe, these planets have survived for thousands of years. They are destined to be caught between Chaos and Bright.

Planets have their own vegetation and climate. Naturally, this way of life has led to a diversity of fauna. Some of them have become entirely their own species, while others have been completely replaced. Some of the planets have been taken over by fully developed artificial intelligence and their systems have destroyed the entire structure of the planet, making it irreversible.

Before Chaos began to spread across the universes, the guardians of Bright had been working on small planets in distant lands and studying many planets from these centers. They built their own bases, mined and focused all their technology on developing mecha races to spread Bright. The fact that they tried to protect their bases with very simple defenses was their own weakness. Chaos had already smelled it. Now the AI races on those planets are used as mere pawns in the hands of Chaos.